Wednesday, August 22, 2007


This past weekend, I was having trouble finding something to watch. And Oxygen was playing a special, "I Am Mandy Moore," about the promotional tour of her new album Wild Hope.

So yes, I started watching the Oprah channel.

I really, really like the songs I heard. They were very smooth and cool. At one point, she busted out her BlackBerry to read the lyrics for a bluesy version of "Candy," a song she hates but felt obligated to play because it was her first sorta-hit. I hate it, too, but even it was tolerable in that version, if you forget about the lame video and choreography.

And I did. I forgot about all of that. I forgot I was watching Oxygen.

The performance was taped at Comix, a venue in New York City, to an audience mostly consisting of women and girls. The style of the show was like MTV Unplugged.

I like a lot of things about Mandy Moore. She looks healthy. She acts normal on stage. She always has great hair. We share the same birthday [with Omar Sharif, Harry Morgan from M*A*S*H, Joseph Pulitzer, and Commodore Matthew Perry, among others].

Whether or not those are good reasons to like somebody, I would actually buy Wild Hope. Mandy Moore seems to have grown into a wonderful musician. I'm sure a lot of people like her. She can do blues, folk, or country if she wanted, too. The vibe of the record sounds really mellow and good. And I don't care if I found it on Oxygen.

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