Sunday, November 11, 2007


I don't usually post videos, but here's one that's worthwhile:
Garry Marshall un-Happy Days
United Hollywood.

I drove through Burbank Wednesday, past the NBC and Warner Brothers and other lots along Olive Avenue. The WGA picketers were everywhere, and most people who passed honked their car horns in support.

Later in the day, I was in Ralphs, and I think I saw one of the guys in the first few seconds of that clip there. If it was the same guy (and I believe it was), his Audi TT was parked next to my car as we both loaded our groceries in the parking lot.

One great thing about the WGA strike is that *all* the WGA writers are involved in supporting the cause that affects them. Even if they're like Kevin Smith and admit that it doesn't really make a huge financial difference to them, they're urging the studios to come to their senses. Garry Marshall is picketing just like Guild members who probably make slightly more money than I currently do.

This strike is about their jobs and being fairly compensated for brilliant work that entertains billions of people. And just like you, part of that money goes to putting food on the table.

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