Saturday, December 13, 2008


16, Sweet

Some dude in Los Angeles has to look nice occasionally, and I pick me. I hope I'm not the only 23-year-old man in this town who wishes we dressed seriously at the office. I have a job that often includes physical labor, but I care about my appearance and have good taste, so I iron my clothes, and I look nice. I have a desk, therefore, I refuse to look like shit.

I meant to buy a suit today. I have been trying for weeks and striking out because of taste and budget. But I had time to kill before meeting a friend during their break from work, so I walked around Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, near his office, for about 20 minutes.

The area continues to feel soul-crushing, and as I told him before he returned to the office, spending more than a few minutes in that area eviscerates all will in me to do anything fun, relaxing, or creative for rest of the day. Except I said, "I fuckin' hate Melrose. I think I'm just going home instead."

But I didn't know for sure if I wanted to completely bail on my own plans for the afternoon, so I went to Beverly Hills to make sure the place still existed, where I did not stop. So I thought about going to dinner and a drink at one of my favorite little bars in a not-repulsive part of Hollywood, but I didn't do that, either. Because I am an idiot.

I drove around Los Angeles like I was 16 in suburban-rural Ohio, considering all the possibilities of how I wanted to spend my evening. Annoying parking, overpriced, not in the mood, too late...I can always be creative with excuses. At least I still have a plan. I won't wear my several-hundred-dollar purchase with the frequency of a black t-shirt, but I also don't use my Swiffer every day, either; you just need them.

Not that shopping for clothes is often very successful. H&M: Why don't you have white, spread-collar, slim fit dress shirts in size medium? I understand that you don't have online shopping available in North America, and that's fine, but is this not a useful item to sell to medium-sized men in Los Angeles, California? Did I buy the only one you made several months ago? I don't like being punished for liking such a reasonably-priced staple.

I'm over-exaggerating; I don't really care that much that I decided to skip suit-shopping. It just happens too often, and all I want for Christmas is to start failing at something more impressive. That and about four more of my white shirt from H&M.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read poetry in public like a tool because my Details and Los Angeles magazines never arrived this month. More importantly, I'm craving a veggie burrito.

Count the number of uppity remarks in this entry and win a prize.

1 comment:

SQUIDLY said...

Hey, have been meaning to call.... Just sort of a crazy year and counting. Must get you down to the LBC for dinner or something...

Drop me an email and let me know "How is ya"??